State-run enterprises are encountering the demand of structural reform and re-organization for privatization in order to face globalization of the 21st Century and drastic changes in domestic environment. In addition, they have to acknowledge that efficient and quality human resources should be the most significant asset for an enterprise. Thus, the prior objective shall be set to make employees work happily and whole-heartedly in the enterprise. From the aspect of human resources, job rotation presents an opportunity for career development, as well as a means to actively expand experiences. Therefore, the study adopts job rotation as independent variable, job satisfaction as intervening variable, and organization commitment as dependent variable to discuss the relativity among the three variables. The administrative staff of Taiwan Power Company was taken as subjects of a questionnaire survey. Among the 400 copies of questionnaire issued, 187 copies returned were valid and then analyzed according to typical relativity, stepwise regression, and LISREL. The results showed an obvious positive correlation between job rotation and job satisfaction and between job satisfaction and organization commitment Job rotation revealed a positive effect on value commitment, effort commitment and retention commitment. External satisfaction demonstrated a positive influence on value commitment, effort commitment and retention commitment, while job satisfaction portrays an intervening effect to job rotation and organization commitment. Based on the framework and evidence results, the study intends to propose a few suggestions for continual research and management practice.
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