


The Mediating Effect of Relationship Quality on the Relationship between Knowledge Workers' Dyadic Homophily and Inter-personal Contextual Performance




陳冠浤(Guan-Hong Chen)


對偶同質性 ; 主觀價值觀契合 ; 關係品質 ; 人際脈絡績效 ; dyadic homophily ; subjective value congruence ; relationship quality ; inter-personal contextual performance




6卷2期(2006 / 06 / 01)


23 - 47






In order to enhance the competitive advantage of organizations and also attracting and maintaining rare knowledge workers, the promoting of the cooperative and knowledge sharing behavior between knowledge workers has become an increasingly important topic for both the practitioners and researchers. In contrast to the job/task performance, contextual performance is a sort of altruistic, pro-social behavior difficult to measure and motivate by formal control and incentive system. In order to explore the determinative factors of 'Interpersonal Contextual Performance, ICP' which represent the interpersonal dimensions of contextual performance, we draw on similarity/attraction paradigm, self-categorization, and self-identity as the theory basis of dyadic homophily, which functions as the antecedents of ICP We also draw on 'relationship quality' as a mediating factor between 'dyadic homophily' and ICP to create an integrated model. This study collected 505 valid samples from 17 organizations. The results show positive effect of 'dyadic homophily' on 'Interpersonal Contextual Performance' and the mediating effect of relationship quality on them. Two inter-actors with opposite sex, similar education level and tenure have stronger ties and inter-personal citizenship behaviors. The positive effects of subjective value congruence on relationship quality and interpersonal contextual performance are also verified. Our findings may have practical implication for human resource practitioners who recognize the importance of developing better relationship quality as a means of enhancing employees' contextual performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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