
An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Responsible Downsizing Strategies and Firm Performance: The Mediating Role of Dynamic Strategic Capabilities






蔡正飛(Philip Cheng-Fei Tsai);施智婷(Chih-Ting Shih)


組織精簡 ; 負責性組織精簡策略 ; 動態策略能力 ; 企業績效 ; 策略性人力資源管理 ; downsizing ; strategies for responsible restructuring ; dynamic strategic capabilities ; strategic human resource management ; firm performance




7卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


113 - 135






So far, downsizing in organizations is still a popular management strategy all over the world. However, the question of whether downsizing strategy eventually improve firms' performance is frequently asked and is never satisfactorily answered. The consequences have not always materialized for years. The possible answers could be the ignorance of some important mechanisms (black boxes) between them. After reviewing the literature on organization change, strategy, and strategic human resource management research field, we found that firm's dynamic strategic capabilities is the key mechanism between firm's downsizing strategies and firm performance. We used 129 downsized firms as the sample to empirically test this concept. The result proves that one way a responsible downsizing strategy leads to higher firm performance is through developing and enhancing firm's dynamic strategic capabilities. This finding helps to solve the issue which bothered organization change field and management practice for years.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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