


The Effects of Asynchronous E-learning Situation on Learning Perception and Usage Intention




陳銘薰(Ming-Shiun Chen);許國賓(Kuo-Pin Hsu)


科技接受模式 ; 電子化學習 ; 學習知覺 ; 學習情境 ; Technology Acceptance Model TAM ; e-learning ; learning perception ; learning situation




7卷3期(2007 / 09 / 01)


25 - 44




過去電子化學習個人端層面之研究,以科技接受模式著重在便利陸、互動性的探討,但對於學習情境的研究則相當缺乏,本研究以Davis(1986)發展出科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM),探討學習者在不同學習情境下對學習知覺以及其使用態度傾向之影響。本研究以台灣知識庫之學員樣本爲研究對象,使用階層迥歸分析爲其統計分析方法。研究發現學習知覺對學習情境及使用態度傾向具備部份中介效果,且若要正向提高數位學習系統學習者在使用態度之傾向,則電子化學習系統最關鍵之條件爲知覺有效性。文末並提出具體之建議及後續研究方向,以供電子化學習業者及後續研究者參考。


Past studies for individual aspects of E-Learning mostly focused on convenience and interaction. However, it is relatively few to find research related to learning situation. This study adopted Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), developed by Davis in 1986, to discuss the impact of the learning perception and usage intention under different learning situation on learners. Samples from students of Taiwan Knowledge Bank were taken and the data was analyzed using hierarchy regression analysis method. The study found that learning perception and usage intention have partial moderating effects. In order to positively enhance the usage intention of c-learning learners, perception efficiency is the key determinant. The results provide the e-teaming system providers and researchers certain practical and academic implications of e-learning.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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