


Work Value and Turnover Intension of Vietnamese Employee: The Moderating Effects of Management Fairness




王喻平(Yu-Ping Wang)


工作價值觀 ; 離職傾向 ; 管理公平性 ; work value ; turnover intension ; management fairness




8卷3期(2008 / 09 / 01)


49 - 72




本研究旨在探討越南員工的個人的價值觀與組織的管理公平性之交互作用,是否影響員工的離職傾向。有效問卷322份,調查樣本以越南台商(南越-胡志明市)的越南員工爲對象,透過層級迴歸分析探討台商的管理公平性,對於越南員工的工作價值觀與離職傾向的關係之影響。 結果發現:強調薪資公平性的企業,較適合僱用傳統價值觀高者的員工;其離職傾向較低。再者,強調成果評估的企業,也較適合僱用傳統價值觀高者的員工。此外,強調回饋評估的企業,較適合僱用個人主義及人生價值觀低者的員工。最後,強調改善評估的企業,較適合僱用人生價值觀低者的員工。


This research examines work value of Vietnamese employees and their turnover intension by using management fairness as moderator. With 322 valid samples taken from Taiwanese firms located in Ho Chi Minh City, empirical results reveal that those employees with traditional work value are found to have low turnover intension when firms place strong emphasis on salary justice. Using result-oriented appraisal is found to have low turnover intension among those with traditional work value. In addition, employees who are not individualistic and stress more on life enjoyment have low turnover when firms using feed-back oriented appraisal. On the other hand, employees who stress less on life enjoyment have low turnover when firms using performance improvement oriented appraisal.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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