


A Research on the Organizational Competitiveness and the Indicators of the Intellectual Capital: In the case on the International Tourist Hotels




岑淑筱(Shu-Hsiao Tsen);胡湘苓(Hsiang-Ling Hu)


智慧資本 ; 人力資本 ; 結構資本 ; 社會資本 ; 組織競爭力 ; intellectual capital ; human capital ; structural capital ; social capital and organizational competitiveness




10卷1期(2010 / 03 / 01)


79 - 104




Peter Drucker曾提出知識與智慧資本(Intellectual Capital)將徹底改變組織架構,也將創造新的組織競爭型態,亦即組織的無形資產及知識創造的價值將是企業保有競爭力的關鍵,而隱藏在企業中的無形價值,也就是組織的智慧資本。本研究選取三家旅館,每家旅館選取訪談對象爲組織中擬定經營策略的高階經理人一名及專業人士兩名,藉以確認訪談資料的精確度。將訪談所得之資料,運用紮根理論(Grounded Theory)的技術、歸納資料的邏輯與規則進行資料分析,研究結果歸納出國際觀光旅館智慧資本之具體指標與範疇,其中智慧資本分成人力資本(Human Capital)、結構資本(Structural Capital)與社會資本(Social Capital)三構面,並指出此三構面的具體指標,建構出適用於國際觀光旅館的概念性架構,以供未來量化研究的基礎。


Peter Drucker pointed out that knowledgeable workers and intellectual capital will impact or deeply change the operational process and business models, and create new competitive patterns for those organizations which run their business in the knowledge based industry. Meanwhile, the intangible assets and knowledge-based competencies are the key factors to retain competitiveness of the organization. The ”Intellectual Capital” was the successful criteria driving the business operation for the hotel organizations. Therefore, business owners and the managers have to proactive overview the essence of competiveness, then to linkage the trends of industry and business's niche based on their business edges. This study selected three sample hotels and interviewed three participants from those hotels, and interviewees coming all from upper-manager and professionals in order to reach the rich and solid information and data concerning the dominating resources. The processing skill of the ”Grounded theory” was adopted to categorize the main concepts for integrating those concepts as a framework of intellectual capitals. The results showed the overall scope and specific content of intellectual capital for international tourist hotels; those are ”Human Capital,” ”Structural Capital” and ”Social Capital.” In addition, the intellectual capital was the critical path to achieve business excellence and the main resources to lead business extraordinary as well as to reach organizational competitiveness.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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