


Leading Behavior, Service Climate, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior as Quality Determinants of University Administrative Services




孫思源(Szu-Yuan Sun);潘豐泉(Feng-Chuan Pan);林重均(Chung-Chun Lin)


服務品質 ; 服務氣候 ; 組織公民行為 ; 領導行為 ; service quality ; service climate ; organizational citizenship behavior ; leadership behavior




11卷4期(2011 / 12 / 01)


1 - 22




過去研究顯示,服務氣候及組織公民行為是影響服務品質的重要因素。鑑於員工在服務品質塑造與維持之不可替代性,本研究以兩構面領導理論為基礎,探討領導行為對員工服務氣候、組織公民行為及學生所覺知之服務品質之間的關係。研究樣本以115 位員工及333 位學生為對偶研究樣本,研究結果顯示:(1) 較突出的體恤型領導與結構型領導對於服務氣候均具有顯著正向影響,但對組織公民行為的影響效果則不顯著;(2) 服務氣候對於組織公民行為有顯著正向影響效果;(3) 服務氣候及組織公民行為對於服務品質都有顯著正向影響效果;(4) 組織公民行為對服務氣候與服務品質的關係有中介影響。本研究亦討論本研究之研究限制,並建議未來研究之方向以及在管理實務上之意涵。


The literature suggests that service climate and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) have substantial effects on quality of service. This study adopts conventional two-dimension leadership theory of the Ohio State University to examine the effect of varied leading behavior on the service climate, organizational citizenship behavior, and service quality. Data gathered for analyses are 115 administrative matching students who received administrative services in the beginning of a new semester. Major research findings include first, both consideration and initiation of structure of leading behavior positively influence the service climate, yet not on OCB. Second, the service climate significantly influences OCB. Third, the service climate and OCB positively influence service quality respectively. Fourth, OCB partially mediates the relationship between the service climate and the service quality. This report ends with suggestions for future research direction and managerial implication.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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