
Achieving Organizational Effectiveness through Human Capital Acquisition Practices-The Moderating Effects of Environment Turbulence and Knowledge Sharing Climate






劉念琪(Nien-Chi Liu);周淑儀(Shu-Yi Chou);王志袁(Chih-Yuan Wang)


人力資源管理活動 ; 知識基礎觀點 ; 知識分享氣候 ; 組織績效 ; 人力資本 ; human capital acquisition ; human resource management practices ; knowledge-based view ; knowledge-sharing climate ; organizational performance




13卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


1 - 25






To acquire talents from outside to enhance competitive advantage has become a leading issue in modern business organizations. When firms face constantly changing environments, build talents purely from inside may be inefficiency. However, new talents recruited from outside can only deliver their well-prepared knowhow smoothly in knowledge-sharing climate. This study then aimed to explore the impacts of a group of external human capital acquisition (EHCA) practices on organizational performance and to examine the moderating effects of two contingencies, environmental turbulence and the knowledge-sharing climate, on the effectiveness of these EHCA practices. Our findings imply that organizational abilities to attract and acquire human capital become a key competence for high performance companies. After successfully selecting and retaining external intelligence from outside, a firm can expect to accumulate, diversify, and then utilize its knowledge stores to promote operational efficiency and earn a positive expectation from the stock market. While typical strategic HRM models encourage building an internal labor market to gain an un-imitated advantage, paying skilled employees to reap profit promptly is still essential. However, talented employees from outside who join an organization must learn the shared language, fit in the social context, and embed themselves in the network composed by the original members before they can contribute to the firm's performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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