


The Relationships between Objective Negotiation Outcomes and Subjective Negotiation Satisfaction: The Roles of Goal-Setting and Negotiation Behaviors




陳淑貞(Shu-Chen Chen);汪志勇(Chih-Yung Wang);高薏婷(I-Ting Kao)


目標設定 ; 客觀談判結果 ; 談判滿意度 ; 首次出價行為 ; 價格讓步行為 ; goal-setting ; objective negotiation outcome ; negotiation satisfaction ; first offer behavior ; concession behavior




14卷2期(2014 / 06 / 01)


1 - 24




本研究目的係以目標設定理論為基礎,探討談判的目標設定對談判者之談判行為、客觀談判結果(價格)以及主觀談判結果(滿意度)的影響。以136位MBA學生為樣本,採實驗設計之方式進行。研究結果發現:(1)目標設定的不同,會影響他們首次出價行為。(2)極端首次出價以及價格讓步行為均與客觀談判結果存在顯著關係。(3)談判目標會影響客觀談判結果。(4)可否達成協商的機率會因雙方目標組合的不同而有所差異。(5)目標設定會調節客觀談判結果與談判滿意度的關係。當目標設定為底限價時,客觀談判結果(談判價格)愈佳,則其談判滿意度越高。反之,客觀談判結果(談判價格)愈佳,其談判滿意度反而愈低。最後,根據研究發現進行討論,並提出管理 意涵與建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of negotiation goals on negotiation behaviors, objective negotiation outcomes (i.e. pric) and subjective negotiation outcomes (i.e. satisfaction) based on goal-setting theory. Samples of 136 MBA students were asked to involve a scenario experiments. Empirical findings were: (1) Goal-setting would apparently affect the extreme first offer behaviors. (2) Both of extreme first offer and concession behavior were significantly related to the final negotiation price. (3) The negotiation goal would affect final price. (4) The agreement of the negotiation would be affected by the difference of dual goal-setting. (5) The relationship between the negotiation outcome and the satisfaction was moderated by negotiation goals. Whenever the negotiation goal was the reservation price, the relationship between negotiation outcome and negotiation satisfaction was stronger. Whenever the negotiation goal was the ideal price, the relationship between negotiation outcome and negotiation satisfaction was weaker. Finally, according to the empirical findings, managerial implications and suggestions would be provided.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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