


How Transformational Leadership under Structural Distance Influences Work Role Performance: Encouraging the Expression of Support and Openness to Change




童惠玲(Hui-Ling Tung);鄒美卿(Mei-Ching Tsou)


轉換型領導 ; 支持 ; 變革開放度 ; 前瞻性績效 ; 適應性績效 ; transformational leadership ; support ; openness to change ; proactivity ; adaptivity




15卷4期(2015 / 12 / 01)


51 - 90




儘管過去文獻已證實轉換型領導者容易影響追隨者績效,但兩者關係化後所形成的位置嵌入是否構築,以及轉換型領導者如何塑造員工的適應性與前瞻性行為,其中的心理歷程並不清楚。本研究試圖運用結構距離下,探討多途徑變項(團隊支持、組織支持,變革開放度)在差異化轉換型領導(團隊轉換型領導、組織轉換型領導)與不同層級工作角色績效之間的中介效果。透過問卷調查,本研究在兩個時間點蒐集台灣北部醫療組織在職員工之資料,共計回收182 份有效問卷。廻歸分析結果顯示,團隊轉換型領導會透過團隊支持,進而分別正向提升團隊成員適應性和前瞻性兩種工作角色績效;團隊轉換型領導也會透過變革開放度,進一步正向提升團隊成員適應性績效;組織轉換型領導會透過組織支持,進而分別正向提升組織成員適應性和前瞻性兩種工作角色績效。唯變革開放度對組織轉換型領導與組織成員適應性績效的中介效果未獲支持。


Although past research has showed that transformational leadership may lead to followers’ performance, it is not clear whether the embedding position after the formal relationship of leader and follower to build or not, and the psychological process regarding how transformational leader is associated with employee adaptivity and proactivity is also not clear. Drawing on structural distance, we explored the multiple mediation effects of team support, organizational support, and openness to change on the relationship between transformational leadership differentiated (team and organization) and employee work performance in team and organization. Using questionnaire survey, we collected data at two time-points and obtained 182 usable observations for hypothesis testing. The results of regression analyses showed that team leader transformational leadership was positively related to openness to change, which in turn increase the likelihood of both team member adaptivity and proactivity, and that two indirect effects supplemented the direct effect of team leader transformational leadership on team member work role performance (adaptivity and proactivity), the mechanism of team support. Results indicated that organization leader transformational leadership and organizational support correlated positively with organizational member adaptivity and organizational member proactivity, respectively. Results also indicated that openness to change has no mediating effect of organization leader transformational leadership on organizational member adaptivity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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