


Examining the Relationship between Authentic Leadership and Employee Ethical Behavior: The Mediating Role of Moral Efficacy and the Moderating Role of Moral Identity




梁欣光(Shin-Guang Liang);林政安(Jheng-An Lin)


真誠領導 ; 道德認定 ; 道德效能 ; 道德行為 ; authentic leadership ; moral identity ; moral efficacy ; ethical behavior




16卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


1 - 20




本研究採用社會認知理論的觀點,探討主管的真誠領導行為與員工道德行為之間的關係。並探討道德效能的中介機制與道德認定的調節效果。本研究透過多個時間點與多重來源的研究設計,蒐集183 份的有效主管與部屬配對資料。經由階層迴歸分析與調節式中介分析的檢驗步驟,本研究發現真誠領導與道德行為具有正向關係,並且部屬的道德效能會中介真誠領導與道德行為之間的關係。此外,調節式中介分析結果亦顯示,員工的道德認定可調節真誠領導經由道德效能進而影響道德行為的間接效果。最後,本研究針對理論與實務意涵、研究限制、未來研究方向進行討論。


Building on social cognitive theory, this study aims to examine the relationship between authentic leadership and ethical behavior and to explore the mediating role of moral efficacy and the moderating role of moral identity. This study tested the theoretical model with 183 supervisor-subordinate matched data through the research design of multi-waves and multi-sources. We used hierarchical regression analysis and moderated path analysis to test our hypotheses. Results showed that authentic leadership was positively related to subordinates’ ethical behavior, and moral efficacy mediated the relationship between authentic leadership and ethical behavior. Further, moderated mediation analyses demonstrated that subordinates’ moral identity moderated the strength of the indirect effect of authentic leadership and ethical behavior via moral efficacy. Accordingly, based on our findings, further theoretical and practical implications, limitations and future research were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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