


The Relationship between Relational Norm and Social Undermining: The Moderated Roles of Fear of Retaliation




林少龍(Shao-Lung Lin)


關係規範 ; 社會破壞 ; 報復恐懼 ; relational norm ; social undermining ; fear of retaliation




16卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


21 - 41




本研究發展及檢驗關係規範、主管與部屬社會破壞以及報復恐懼的關係,解釋關係規範如何以及在何種條件下影響社會破壞。採用全職員工及其同事為研究對象,共計回收有效問卷員工與同事各120 份,干擾中介模式的分析結果顯示:(1) 關係規範負向影響主管社會破壞;(2) 主管社會破壞正向影響部屬社會破壞;(3) 對於高報復恐懼的部屬,關係規範經由主管社會破壞負向影響部屬社會破壞的間接效果較強,對於低報復恐懼的部屬,此間接效果較弱,本研究討論研究發現在理論以及實務上之意涵,同時對於未來的研究方向提出建議。


The study develops and examines the relationships among relational norm, supervisors’ and subordinates’ social undermining and fear of retaliation that explains how and when relational norm is associated with social undermining. Data were collected from 120 full time employees and their coworkers respectively. The results from examining a moderated-mediation model reveal: (1) relational norm negatively relates to supervisors’ social undermining; (2) supervisors’ social undermining positively relates to subordinates’ social undermining; (3) the strength of indirect relationship between relational norm and subordinates’ social undermining via supervisors’ social undermining is negative and stronger (weaker) when subordinates’ fear of retaliation is high (low). The study discusses the theoretical and practical implications and provides some suggestions for the future study.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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