


The Relationship between Psychological Capital, Well-Being and Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Conservation of Resources Theory




李旭梅(Hsu-Mei Lee);林如玉(Ju-Yu Lin)


心理資本 ; 幸福感 ; 組織公民行為 ; 資源保存理論 ; psychological capital ; well-being ; organizational citizenship behavior ; conservation of resources theory




16卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


69 - 89




多數研究指出心理資本對組織公民行為的正向預測。然而,心理資本「如何」對組織公民行為產生影響仍未受到充分的瞭解。本研究以「資源保存理論」為基礎,探討心理資本對員工的幸福感與組織公民行為的影響。藉由結構性問卷的調查,研究資料來自273 位臺灣地區全職工作者。研究結果顯示,心理資本與幸福感對組織公民行為有正向影響以及幸福感對組織公民行為有正向影響。此外,研究亦發現幸福感中介了心理資本與組織公民行為之間的關係。本研究就研究結果提出在理論及實務上的應用。


Most studies indicate that psychological capital had a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. However, the effect of psychological capital on organizational citizenship behavior has not yet been fully understood. Based on the Conservation of resources theory, this study examines the effect of psychological capital on well-being and organizational citizenship behavior. Using structured questionnaires, this study collected data from a diverse sample of 273 full-time Taiwanese employees. Results showed that psychological capital and well-being have a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, and well-being has a positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Moreover, well-being mediated the relationship between psychological capital and organizational citizenship behavior. Finally, the theoretical and practical implications of the findings were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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