


The Relationships among Prosocial Motivation, Voice Behavior, and LMX: The Moderating Role of Political Skill




劉娜婷(Na-Ting Liu);蔡秉毅(Peng-Yi Chua);陳淑貞(Shu-Chen Chen);林育瑩(Yu-Ying Lin)


利社會動機 ; 政治技巧 ; 建言行為 ; 主管與部屬交換關係 ; prosocial motivation ; political skill ; voice behavior ; LMX




16卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


1 - 25




本研究旨在探討利社會動機、政治技巧、建言行為和主管與部屬交換關係(LMX品質)之關係。首先,我們探討利社會動機與建言行為的關聯性。其次,探討建言行為在利社會動機與LMX品質間的中介角色。此外,亦檢驗政治技巧在利社會動機與建言行為間的調節效果。以台灣地區68家企業全職員工及其直屬主管為調查對象,總計回收68份有效主管問卷與269份員工問卷,並透過階層迴歸分析和建立調節式中介模型(moderated mediation model)來進行假說檢驗。研究結果支持本研究所有假說。結果顯示,利社會動機與建言行為呈正向關係;建言行為在利社會動機與LMX之間扮演中介角色;政治技巧亦確實在利社會動機與建言行為間具顯著正向調節效果;此外,政治技巧亦能強化利社會動機透過建言行為對LMX品質的間接效果。最後,針對研究結果,本研究提出管理意涵與後續研究建議。


This study examined the effects of pro-social motivation, political skill, and voice behavior on leader-member exchange (LMX). First, we examined the relationships between prosocial motivation and voice behavior. Second, the study investigated the mediating role of voice behavior underpinning the relationship between prosocial motivation and LMX. In addition, political skill was tested as a moderator of prosocial motivation-voice behavior relationship. Data were collected from 269 full-time employees and their immediate supervisor in Taiwan from 68 different companies in different industries. We conducted a series of hierarchical regression and developed a moderated mediation model to test our hypotheses. Results indicated that prosocial motivation was positively related to voice behavior. In addition, voice behavior mediated the relationship between prosocial motivation and LMX. For the moderating effect, the higher political skill, the stronger the influence of prosocial motivation on voice behavior. Furthermore, political skill moderated the strength of the mediated relationship between prosocial motivation and LMX via voice behavior, such that the mediated relationship is stronger under high political skill. Some academic and managerial implications were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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