


The Consequence when Employees' Feelings are Involuntary to Do OCB: A Perspective of Psychological Reactance Theory




朱志傑(Chih-Chieh Chu);周麗芳(Li-Fang Chou);曾春榮(Chun-Jung Tseng)


公民行為被迫知覺 ; 公民行為動機 ; 心理抗拒理論 ; compulsive perception of citizenship behavior ; citizenship motives ; psychological reactance theory




17卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


59 - 86




本研究採心理抗拒理論的觀點,探討公民行為被迫知覺對員工情緒耗竭與組織公民行為的影響,並檢視公民行為動機在上述關係中的調節效果。以台灣企業282 對直屬主管與部屬為研究對象,發現:(1) 公民行為被迫知覺與情緒耗竭間有正向關係,但與組織公民行為(主管評)沒有顯著關係;(2) 當利社會價值之公民行為動機較高時,會強化公民行為被迫知覺與情緒耗竭之間的正向關係;(3)當利社會價值與關心組織動機較高,公民行為被迫知覺與組織公民行為之間具有負向關係;反之,當利社會價值、關心組織較低時,公民行為被迫知覺則與組織公民行為具有正向關係。最後,本研究進行研究貢獻與未來建議的討論。


We used psychological reactance theory to discuss the effect of compulsive perception of citizenship behavior (CPCB) on employee’s emotional exhaustion and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and the moderating roles of citizenship motives on above relationships. Using a sample of 282 supervisor-subordinate dyads collected from Taiwan companies, we found the positive relationship between CPCB and emotional exhaustion, but no siginicant relationship between CPCB and OCB. In addition, the results demonstrated that higher citizenship motive of prosocial values strengthened the positive relationship between CPCB and emotional exhaustion. Further, the relationships between CPCB and OCB were negative when citizenship motive (prosocial values and organizational concern) was higher, while the relationships were positive when citizenship motive (prosocial values and organizational concern) was lower. Finally, the implications and future suggestions were discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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