


The Linkages between Subordinates' Team Identification and Leaders' Performance Ratings: The Mediated Effects of Subordinates' Explicit Behavior and Leader's Implicit Perception




胡宛仙(Wan-hsien Hu);林家五(Chia-wu Lin)


內隱部屬理論 ; 績效評估 ; 組織公民行為 ; 團隊認同 ; implicit followership theories ; performance rating ; organizational citizenship behavior ; team identification




17卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


87 - 108




本研究連結部屬端的社會認定理論(social identity theory)與領導者端的內隱部屬理論(implicit followership theories, IFTs),探討部屬團隊認同與領導者績效評估之間的關係中,部屬的組織公民行為(organizational citizenship behavior, OCB)與領導者對部屬知覺的中介作用。從台灣14家旅館中,蒐集314 組領導者與部屬的對偶資料進行檢驗,MPLUS 分析結果顯示,部屬的團隊認同程度愈高,愈可能轉換為具體的角色外行為(即組織公民行為),而領導者感受到部屬組織公民行為程度愈高,則愈可能將該部屬視為理想的員工,也就是原型部屬(prototype employee),進而得到領導者給予較高的績效評估。此外,以Bootstrap 法檢驗中介效果,結果顯示部屬團隊認同程度愈高,會透過組織公民行為間接影響領導者對原型部屬的認知,進而得到較高的績效評估。最後的結論與討論,包含理論與實務意涵,研究限制與未來研究建議。


Drawing on social identity theory and implicit followership theories (IFTs), this study examined the sequential mediated effects of subordinates' OCB and leader's IFTs within the relationship between subordinates' team identification and leaders' performance ratings. Data collected from 314 leader-subordinate dyads of 14 hotels in Taiwan. The MPLUS analysis revealed that subordinates' team identification could predict their OCB. Moreover, leader regards these subordinates as prototypical employees in turn leads to rate employees as higher performers. Our results suggest that leaders' ratings of job performance are susceptible to prototypical beliefs based on subordinates' team identification and OCB. Theoretical and practical implications, research limitations, and future research directions are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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