


From the Perspective of Social Impact to Explore the Effective Impact Path of Voice Behavior: Affect-Based Trust Moderates the Moderating Effect of Co-worker's Network Centrality




洪贊凱(Tsang-Kai Hung);嚴之妤(Chih-Yu Yen)


建言行為 ; 建言安全感 ; 情感型信任 ; 網絡中心性 ; 社會衝擊理論 ; voice behavior ; psychological safety ; affect-based trust ; social network centrality ; social impact theory




17卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


91 - 113






In view of the importance of the voice behavior, both scholars and practitioners try to find an effective way to increase employee voice behavior. In terms of social impact, one's voice behavior will be under the influence of others'. Social Impact Theory suggests that the influence level partly depends on other's ability, status and closeness between individual and the source of the influence. Therefore, this study tried to explore the potential antecedence and consequence of voice behavior and to discuss the mediating process of voice behavior and the moderating effects of affect-based trust and coworker's social network centrality. With convenience sampling, data were collected from a sample of 429 employees and resulted in 301 valid samples. Results revealed: (1) Psychological safety partial mediated the relationships between co-worker's voice behavior and individual's voice behavior. (2) Affect-based trust moderated the moderating effect of coworker's network centrality between co-worker's voice behavior and psychological safety.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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