


Is It Tough to Go Back to School? Exploring the Effects of Work-To-School Conflict on Working Students




汪美伶(Mei-Ling Wang);李俊賢(Chun-Hsien Lee);李明棋(Ming-Qi Li)


職學衝突 ; 學習倦怠 ; 工作倦怠 ; 資源保存理論 ; 外溢理論 ; work-to-school conflict ; school burnout ; job burnout ; conversation of resource theory ; spillover theory




18卷1期(2018 / 06 / 01)


155 - 192






Integrating conversation of resource theory with spillover theory, this current research explores whether work-to-school conflict indirectly decreases job satisfaction via the mediation of school burnout and job burnout. Data were obtained from 264 working graduate students at multiple time points over the second academic year. Then, we analyzed the gathered data by utilizing structural equation modeling. Results showed that work-to-school conflict was found positively associated with school burnout. School burnout had indirect effect on job satisfaction via the mediating effect of job burnout. Furthermore, on the basis of spillover effect, school burnout and job burnout mediated the negative relationship between work-to-school conflict and job satisfaction. In addition, work-to-school conflict was found to be positively associated with job burnout, and perceived supervisor support moderated the relationship between work-to-school conflict and job burnout; that is, perceived supervisor support buffered the negative indirect effects resulting from work-to-school conflict. Based on the findings, theoretical implications and suggestions for further research were proposed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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