


From Work Engagement to Family Engagement: A Test of Spillover-Crossover Model




鄒雅棓(Ya-Pei Tsou);李少仁(Shao-Jen Lee);吳宗祐(Tsung-Yu Wu)


工作敬業 ; 家庭敬業 ; 工作對家庭增益 ; 溢出-橫向傳播模式 ; work engagement ; family engagement ; work-family enrichment ; spillover-crossover model




19卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


1 - 26






Drawing on spillover-crossover model, we investigate how engagement transfers from workplace to family and from employees to their spouses as well as the moderating role of gender. Specifically, we propose that employees' work engagement will be associated with their own family engagement via work-family enrichment (instrumental path and affective path; i.e., spillover effect), which in turn is related to spouses' family engagement (i.e., crossover effect), and we also predict that gender difference exists in above spillover-crossover process. In this study, we collected the dyad data of working couples and obtained 261 valid pairs of data. The results showed that employees' work-family enrichment mediates the relationship between employees work engagement and their family engagement. Also, employees' family engagement is positively related to spouses' family engagement. Moreover, men and women differ in the spillover-crossover process of engagement. Taken together, the result supports the perspective of spillover-crossover model. The theoretical and practical implications as well as the research limitations and future research directions are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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