


Dual Influence of Transformational Leadership on Group Members' Corporate Social Responsibility Values: Procedural Justice and Leader-Follower Congruence of Corporate Social Responsibility Values Functioning as Mediators




陳儀蓉(Yi-Jung Chen);劉韻僖(Yunshi Liu)


企業社會責任 ; 轉化型領導 ; 公正 ; 價值觀一致性 ; 群體投入 ; corporate social responsibility ; transformational leadership ; justice ; value congruence ; group engagement




20卷2期(2020 / 12 / 01)


1 - 31




一家企業是否落實社會責任,企業內員工的企業社會責任(corporate social responsibility, CSR)價值觀具有關鍵性的影響。本研究主要目的在於探討促進員工CSR價值觀的前因和機轉。透過整合雙向焦點轉化型領導與群體投入的觀點,本研究探討差異性和群體焦點兩種轉化型領導,對於群體成員CSR價值觀之影響,群體成員程序公正知覺以及群體內領導者—部屬CSR價值觀的一致性,兩者可能的中介效果。本研究以工作小組為單位發放問卷,共回收有效群體樣本136組。結果顯示,差異性轉化型領導對群體成員CSR價值觀的負向影響,群體內領導者—部屬CSR價值觀的一致性具有中介效果;然而,群體焦點轉化型領導對群體成員CSR價值觀的正向影響,群體成員對領導者的程序公正知覺,以及群體內領導者—部屬CSR價值觀的一致性,兩者具有序列的中介效果。


Employees' corporate social responsibility (CSR) values within a company have a critical impact on whether that company incorporates CSR in its management. The study purpose is to explore the predictors and mechanisms of enhancing employees' CSR values. Integrating the models of dual-focused transformational leadership and group engagement, the present study investigates the mediating effects that group members' perceptions of their leaders' procedural justice and leader-follower congruence of CSR values within the group might have on the influence of dual-focus transformational leadership on group members' CSR values. By conducting a survey using questionnaires aimed at work groups, this study obtained 136 groups as valid samples. The results showed that differentiated transformational leadership decreased group members' CSR values by means of leader-follower congruence of CSR values within the group. However, group-focused transformational leadership contributed to group members' CSR values through the sequential mediating effects of group members' perceptions of their leaders' procedural justice and leader-follower congruence of CSR values within the group.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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