


Comparison Between Interviewers' Evaluation of Interviewee Performance in Face to Face and Video Interview Scenarios: The Moderating Effect of Interviewers' Regulatory Focus




羅新興(Hsin-Hsin Lo);高婷鈺(Ting-Yu Kao);羅景文(Ching-Wen Lo)


視訊面談 ; 現場面談 ; 調節焦點 ; 面談表現評價 ; video interview ; face to face interview ; regulatory focus ; evaluation of interviewee performance




21卷2期(2021 / 12 / 01)


57 - 74






This study aimed to explore the differences between video and face to face interviews regarding the interviewer's evaluation on the interviewee's performance. Concurrently, promotion-focused and prevention-focused interviewers were compared in relation to their evaluation of interviewee performance to further analyze the interaction effect between interview medium and the interviewer's regulatory focus on his or her evaluation of an interviewee's performance. This study adopted a between-subject quasi experimental design and conducted interview simulations, in which researcher A role-played as the interviewee according to a script prepared in advance. Convenience sampling was performed to recruit participants among students with work experience from an EMBA program and a continuing education program at a university of science and technology in northern Taiwan. An analysis on 280 valid responses revealed the following results. The interviewers had higher evaluation of the interviewee performance in face to face interviews than in video interviews. Promotion-focused interviewers gave higher evaluation of the interviewee performance than did prevention-focused interviewers. Promotion-focused interviewers' evaluation of interviewee performance did not differ in the in-person and video interview scenarios. By contrasts, prevention-focused interviewers' evaluation of interviewee performance was higher in the in-person interview scenario than in the video interview scenario. The research findings contribute to academic development and provide practical implications in interview settings.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
社會科學 > 法律學
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