


The Logic Rationale of "Due to Discharging Duty" as Provided in Civil Code § 188(1)




吳志正(Chih-Cheng Wu)


僱用人 ; 受僱人 ; 執行職務 ; 職務範圍 ; 侵權行為 ; 因果關係 ; 邏輯 ; 必要條件 ; 充分條件 ; 連言 ; 選言 ; Employer ; Employee ; Discharge of Duty ; Scope of Employment ; Torts ; Causation ; Logics ; Essential Condition ; Necessary Condition ; Conjunction ; Disjunction




32期(2010 / 06 / 01)


71 - 118






The employer is jointly liable to compensate for any damage which the employee, due to the discharge of his appointed duty, unlawfully causes to third parties as provided in Civil Code § 188(1). The rational prerequisite for this vicarious liability of employers according to the principle of ”corrective justice” stands that there must be a rational linkage between the discharge of appointed duty, the wrongdoing of the employee and consequently the harm caused.However the linkage criteria varied and caused disputes, to which legal theorists and even learned judges have devoted themselves in the heavily piled literatures trying very delicately to frame practically sound principles only to achieve very limited success. The possible defect of the foregoing approaches herein lies in their inobservance of the causation element intrinsic to Civil Code § 188(1), i.e. as the wording ”due to” represents.This article, by means of reviewing the related holdings of our supreme court and applying the reasoning technique of formal logics, attempted to elaborate the criteria of this linkage prerequisite with special emphasis on the logical causation between the discharge of appointed duty and the wrongdoing of the employee. We, with reference to Supreme Court Precedents Year 42-No.1224 (1953), therefore concluded that linkage in question exists if the wrongdoing of the employee is actually the discharge of duty itself, the wrongdoing is the essential or necessary condition of the discharge of duty, or the wrongdoing comprises both or either only one of the discharge of duty and other doing outside the scope of employment. In any of the above, there accordingly will be a direct, conjunction-or disjunction-causation linkage established between the discharge of appointed duty and the harm caused, which build up the logic rationale for vicarious liability of the employers. Hopefully this article will help to elucidate the logic rationale of ”due to discharging appointed duty” as provided in Civil Code § 188(1), and set up a clear-cut criteria to settle the dispute therein.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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