


A Discussion Over the Right and Obligation between the Party Concerned in the Dispatched Work Relationship-Transfer, Obligation of Occupational Accident, Equal Treatment of Wages




楊通軒(Tong-Shuan Yang)


勞動派遣 ; 第三人利益契約 ; 保護照顧義務 ; 職業災害責任 ; 定期勞動契約 ; 工資平等待遇 ; dispatched work ; contract for the benefit of a third party ; duty of protection and care ; obligation of compensation of occupational accident ; fixed-term labor contract ; equal treatment of wages




33期(2010 / 12 / 01)


279 - 321






Dispatched work is a complex legal relationship. A variety of legal issues derive from the use of dispatched work, some of them can be solved according to the current laws and regulations, but some of them must be regulated by legislation. After discussion, the author assist that the duty of protection and care and the joint obligation which the hirer and the borrower bear against dispatched worker can only base on contract for the benefit of a third party which regulated in Article 269 of Taiwan Civil Law. That means, only when hirer and borrower jointly bear the obligation of compensation of occupational accident that the liability leaks can be avoided. Secondly, the use of temporary work must take into account of the balance between the employment stability and employment risks. According to the current legal status, if the borrower has the objective reasons which regulated in Article 9, paragraph 1 of Labor Standard Law, then the hirer/agent can natural make a fixed-term labor contract with dispatched worker. And when we judge someone has the objective reasons or not, it is only borrower concerned. Finally, in the current legal status, when the dispatched worker argues for equal treatment of wages, then he/she must demand hirer to give him/her the equal salary which the hirer pay the other workers too. However, in the future legislation, under the connection of another statutes (in particular fixed-term employment contract), we may refer the model which regulated in European Directive, so that ”the hirer/agent” must pay (dispatched workers) the wages which ”the borrower give to his own employees”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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