


Preimplantation Tissue Typing and Human Dignity: The Principle of Generic Consistency Approach




唐淑美(Shu-Mei Tang)


胚胎植入前組織配對篩檢 ; 人性尊嚴 ; 普遍一致原則 ; 潛在個體 ; 比例原則 ; 預防原則 ; Preimplantation Tissue Typing ; Human Dignity ; The Principle of Generic Consistency ; Potential Agent ; the Principle of Proportionality ; Precautionary Principle




33期(2010 / 12 / 01)


79 - 123




二十世紀後期,生命科學的腳步已發展至必須獨立設立一門科學去維護新生命倫理學之秩序。新生命倫理學議題,例如胚胎基因的選擇、胚胎幹細胞、生物科技之專利發明品、器官移植、器官組織之私有財產化與安樂死等等議題,自單一個受精卵之形成以至身體細胞凋零之一連串過程,均有可能因為生物科技之進步,而受到極大的挑戰。本文擬就現代生物科技及生物醫學的應用所引發之法律及倫理議題,針對父母使用「胚胎植入前遺傳診斷(Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis,PGD)」技術,以挑選符合其罹患重症之幼兒組織移殖配對(Preimplantation Tissue Typing)之健康胚胎,一般又被稱為「訂製寶寶」,而使用人工受精技術的規定進行探索,並藉由葛沃爾斯「普遍一致原則」,進行人性尊嚴議題之評論。


Since the late twentieth century, the rapid developments in modern biotechnology and biomedical science have created great many bioethics issues to the degree of warranting a new independent bioethics discipline for safeguarding the ethics order of bioscience. From the beginning of life to the end of the life, many bioethical challenges are emerging along with the advancement of biotechnology. For example, the issues of selecting the genetic characteristics of embryo, embryonic stem cell, biotechnological patent, organ transplantation, commodification of human body parts, euthanasia and so on, all have raised the serious questions and dilemmas. This article adopts the Principle of Generic Consistency (PGC) theory in setting out the legal and moral justifications on the issues of human dignity for parents choosing the technology of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) to select tissue typing matching embryo (Designer Baby).

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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