


Purchase at the Vending Machine and Buying on the Internet-a Remark to § 154 II Civil Law


張哲源(Che-Yuan Chang)


要約 ; 要約引誘 ; 利用自動販賣機購物 ; 網購 ; Offer ; Proposals to offer ; Buy From Vending Machines ; Online Shopping




42期(2014 / 04 / 01)


161 - 212






Buy from vending machines and online shopping were commonly used in the mordern society. These two types are not new, but not yet included in our civil law and clearly defined. Therefore, they are very disputed. Two main insights about the settings of the machine and buying websites are the opinions, either call for proposals to offer or offer. Your arguments are justified differently. Of course, they have advantages and disadvantages. Variety of machine settings of machines and complexity of design of the online shopping store cause such varied opinions, and can not prevail by only one theory of legal relationship. This work was owed primarily to the view of the Act. 154 II BGB, and complements other opinions, that they might choose flexible in practice.

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