Centered on Posner's discussions on the relation between morality and legal theories, this study aims to discuss the postmodern approach in his neo-pragmatism. In his nomological trilogy, namely "The Problems of Jurisprudence", "Overcoming Law", and "The Problematics of Moral and Legal Theories", Posner grounds his discussions mainly on pragmatism with a view to removing the mystery of law, particularly to demystify the great maker of legal mystery, which happens to be legal moralism. Posner criticizes Rawls and Finnis in that he thinks that it is irrational to obligate constitution-makers, law-makers and judges to abide by the values of justice, truth and morality. Posner also criticizes that Dworkin is not right in expecting a judge to remain coherent between the traditional and the current American political morality before and after a verdict is made so that 'a right answer' is maintained thereupon. Posner does not completely denounce morality though. Yet he suggests that involving the generality and uniformity of moral philosophy in jurisprudence and judgment is not pragmatism at all. This may explain Posner's stance against the modern grand narrative, hence it seems he takes a postmodern approach here. The study falls into three sections: 1) a general statement of the relation between the postmodern legal theory and Posner's pragmatism, 2) the discussion on how Posner criticizes the academic moralists, an analysis of the postmodern anxiety in Dworkin, Rawls and Finnis, and an exposition of my own opinions, and 3) an analysis of Posner's confession, how his postmodernity is obtained, and a speculation on the debating grounds between modern and postmodern legal issues. Although Posner's discourses take on a touch of postmodern approach, he never acts like critical legal extremists or postmodernists who tend to 'destruct' rather than 'construct' the modern jurisprudence. Posner contributes greatly to deeper reflection on legal theories.
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