


Market Failure of the Flood Insurance in US and Commentary on the National Flood Insurance Program


吳玉鳳(Yu-Feng Wu);林建智(Jan-Juy Lin)


氣候變遷 ; 天然災害 ; 洪水保險 ; 市場失靈 ; 洪水保險費率圖 ; 標準洪水保險單格式 ; 公私協力 ; Climate Change ; Natural Disaster ; Flood Insurance ; Market Failure ; Flood Insurance Rate Maps ; Standard Flood Insurance Policy Forms ; Public-Private Partnership




44期(2014 / 12 / 01)


185 - 243




由於社會經濟發展與氣候變遷,全球許多地區天然災害風險增加。保險已然成為國際社會用來調適氣候變遷之重要措施。本文探討美國洪水保險市場失靈與國家洪水保險制度,發現聯邦政府介入旨在補充市場不足而非取代市場,因此採取暫時介入方式創設任意性國家洪水保險計畫(National Flood Insurance Program)。於此計畫下,政府擔任保險人供給保險並承擔責任,同時透過WYO(Write Your Own)計畫建立公私合作關係,由民營保險人提供標準洪水保險單與服務。本文亦發現國家洪水保險制度正面臨許多障礙並著手改革。美國制度及其缺失改革經驗,可以作為政府或國際組織建立或修改整合性運作機制用以調適氣候變遷風險,降低社會脆弱性與增進災害適應能力之參考。


Natural disasters risk is increasing in several regions around the world as a result of socioeconomic development and climate change. Insurance is an important adaptation measures for climate change in international community. This paper is to explore the market failure in flood insurance and the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in US. It is observed that the Federal Government intends to complement the market rather than replace it. A voluntary and temporary program has therefore been created where the Government plays as the insurer to provide insurance coverage, assumes responsibility and establishes a public-private partnership through the WYO (Write Your Own) plan. Under the WYO plan, private insurers provide standard flood insurance policies and services to the citizens. It is also observed that the NFIP has confronted a number of obstacles and undertaken its reform. The lessons learned from the US system can be important for governments or international organization while designing or amending an integration mechanism to adapt climate change risk.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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