


The Tradition and Reform of Human Rights Theory in Japan---Focusing on Third Party Effect of Fundamental Rights Theory


蕭淑芬(Shaw, Sue-Fen)


人權效力 ; 人權理論 ; 基本權功能 ; 基本權第三人效力 ; 基本權國家保護義務 ; the effect of human rights ; the doctrine of human rights ; third party effect of fundamental rights function of fundamental rights ; the protective function of fundamental rights




49期(2016 / 08 / 01)


1 - 44






When the Public Law circle of Japan initially discussed that is it available to utilize the rule of constitution to solve the problem of private human rights violations, they just introduced the "third party effect of fundamental rights"from the constitutional law theory of German, and refer to the State Action Doctrine of U.S. After several Japanese legal argumentation and adjustment of the legal principle, the 1990s Public Law circle adopted the indirect application to deal with this problem, the academia is generally called " third party effect of fundamental rights" or"the effectiveness between human rights and private rights" . And for the terms of general overall field of protection of constitutional rights,the " third party effect of fundamental rights" or"the effectiveness of human rights between individuals " all belong to the range of "theory of human rights effectiveness ", which is one the issues of the protection of human rights. The argument of "the effectiveness of human rights between individuals " in the Public Law circle of Japan now is based on the different Subjective judgments about "third party effect of fundamental rights" since introduced the "third party effect of fundamental rights"from the constitutional law of German. Besides, they unintendedly overlook the basic meaning, source and system of the theory in German. Nevertheless, they even Intentionally or unintentionally ignore the overall development of the theory in German. Therefore, the Public Law circle of Japan just initiateand create the local "third party effect of human rights". The purpose of this article is to try to understand how the Public Law scholars and practitioner of Japan adopted the model from the other country and create their own theory of "third party effect of human rights" and the influence of the theory to the other one by analyzing the different theory of the argumentation model on the "third party effect of fundamental rights".

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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