




歐盟社會權 ; 歐盟基本權 ; 有限度的個別授權原則 ; 輔助原則 ; 歐盟法優先適用理論 ; 歐盟基本權憲章 ; European social rights ; fundamental right of European Union ; limited individual authorization principle ; subsidiary principle ; priority theory of EU law ; Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union




51期(2017 / 04 / 01)


1 - 66






The development of social rights in the EU has a long history, but it needs to strike a balance with the EU's competition policy. Since EU social rights is one of the fundamental rights of the European Union, so that the principle of limited individual authority and the subsidiary principle to the European Union authority, can also be applied to social rights. However, the Court of Justice of the European Union(ECJ), based on the theory of priority application of the EU Law, continues to specify the types and content of social rights through legal continuation progress, which may be beyond the scope of statutory law. The provisions of the EU social rights are scattered in the primary and secondary EU law, in particular in the catalog of the fundamental right of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union(equality, solidarity). They can especially help the implementation of the EU people's human rights feast, if they can display a normative function and generate their legal effect. So, everybody shows his highly expectations. In the process of the formation of Social Europe, the collective measure right is regarded as social rights, and social right is regarded as labor protection law, the three law area are interlocking to provide the protection of the EU people. After discussion, this article argues that the exercise of social rights by EU institutions should still be restrained by the principle of limited individual authorizations and subsidiary principle in current EU treaties and EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Only in the social rights which the Member States and the European Union have consensus, the EU law has a priority application effect. Secondly, since the Equal Treatment Directive covers the entire labor relationship, it has a significant impact on the basic labor rights to all countries. How to coordinate with the subsidiary principle, must be properly handled. Moreover, since the principle of subsidiarity also applies to the differentiation of competences between EU institutions and social partners or hire/labor organizations(including Member States), but the ECJ sometimes respect their authority and, at times, adopt a strict regulatory approach. It is recommended that the ECJ respect the principle of subsidiarity and gradually grant discretionary powers and power of decision.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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