




醫療糾紛 ; 仲裁 ; 裁判外紛爭解決模式 ; 調解-仲裁 ; medical malpractice ; arbitration ; Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) ; Med-Arb




51期(2017 / 04 / 01)


217 - 269




本文以醫療糾紛領域為論述範圍,參考美國經驗,主張臺灣以ADR 作為其爭端解決途徑有其趨勢可循。除法院的調解等途徑外,本文建議在依循當事人自主原則前提下,可分階段推廣實施仲裁與Med-Arb 制度。此外,鑒於醫病之間對於醫療相關訊息與知識常呈現落差,無論何種ADR 途徑,須落實武器對等原則,方可在醫病之間產生信賴,進而實質地定紛止爭,化解衝突。


This article focuses on the medical malpractice area. After taking experiences from the US, there is a trend showing that ADR could be one of the conflict resolution paths in Taiwan. Beside mediation in the court, this article suggests that arbitration and Med-Arb could be applied step by step, following the party autonomy premium. Moreover, due to the gap of medical related information and knowledge between patients and physicians, no matter what ADR is applied; the principle of equal weapon should be fulfilled. Thus, among patients and physicians, trust could be built and conflicts could be substantially resolved.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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