


The Legal Evaluation of Mistake of Law


林東茂(Lin, Dong-Mao)


不法意識 ; 禁止錯誤 ; 事實錯誤 ; 故意理論 ; 罪責理論 ; Unrechtsbewusstsein ; mistake of law ; mistake of fact ; the intention theory ; the guilt theory




52期(2017 / 08 / 01)


49 - 81






The Article 16 of Criminal Code of the Republic of China, "Criminal responsibility shall not be excused simply because of ignorance of the law unless there are rightful reasons for being unable to avoid the offense, but the punishment may be reduced according to circumstances.", such a description exactly explains the meaning of ignorantia juris non excusat (Latin for "ignorance of the law is no excuse.") which is a legal principle indicating that anyone cannot escape the liability of violating law just by claiming his unawareness of the contents of law. When a perpetrator claims that he has one or more errors in understanding how the applicable law applied to his behavior that is under analysis by a court, in criminal cases, we call it as "mistake of law" (Verbotsirrtum). In other words, "mistake of law" is totally different from "mistake of fact." However, in some cases, these two ideas are not easily distinguishable. To clarify the difference between "mistake of law" and "mistake of fact," this study would firstly introduce their essentiality. Secondly, this thesis would make a description of the definite content of "illegality cognition." In regards to "mistake of law," it means that the perpetrator lacked "illegality cognition" while he misbehaved. Though "illegality cognition" has been discussed for ages, the theoretical disputes of "illegality cognition" still exist. That’s the reason why this study still makes a detailed explanation of "illegality cognition" to reassure the concept of "illegality cognition." Last but not the least, discussing the legal effect in a criminal case which the perpetrator lacks "illegality cognition" definitely has something to do with the opinions of "the guilt theory" and "the intention theory." As a supporter of "the guilt theory," the author of this study indicates that only the "inevitable mistake of law" could cause the law effect of negating the perpetrator’s guilt. Otherwise, the perpetrator still commits the crime and this perpetrator, without a doubt, would be penalized by criminal norms.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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