




正當事由 ; 依法令之行為 ; 最寬容原則 ; 比例原則 ; 損失補償 ; due cause ; conduct conferred by law or order ; maximum tolerance principle ; principle of proportionality ; compensation for loss




57期(2019 / 05 / 01)


51 - 85






As prescribed in Criminal Code, the due causesbarring people from violating laws include a conduct conferred by law or order, proper conduct in the course of due business as well as legitimate self-defense. However, these three reasons should be examinedat different levels. A conduct conferred by law or order refers to the authority and power directly provided by law; a proper conduct in the course of due business is considered legitimate when operational procedures are followed; while legitimate self-defense occurs when public authority fails to provide protection in time. Use of police weapons is categorized as a conduct performed in accordance with law or order. And the use of weapons by the policeusually occurs under urgent conditions especially when suspects or the transportation tools they use are moving. Therefore, the determination of criminal responsibility should be based on the "maximum tolerance principle", which meets the levels of legal authority and legitimacy. The use of weapons by law enforcement officers should abide by the "Use of Police Weapons Act". In addition, there should be reasonable justification and the use of the principle of proportionality. The action of using policeweapons improperly can result n the suspect's death when the action is either beyond the scope of the Act or a misunderstanding of self-defense, but the action should not be intentional. Hence, the determination of responsibility of the police should be evaluated by the fault liability of the police. To encourage the police to use their lethal force properly, and protect, respect and preserve the human rights and lives of defendants, it is recommended that the amendments of "Use of Police Weapons Act" should be made for the proper use of weapons by the police at their discretion, as well as, a moral compensation for the loss of the defendant.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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