




依法令行為 ; 業務正當行為 ; 正當防衛行為 ; 法治國原則 ; 正向社會期待 ; conduct performed in accordance with law or order ; proper conduct in the course of due business ; legitimate self-defense ; rule of law ; positive social expectation




61期(2021 / 04 / 01)


1 - 39






As prescribed in Criminal Code, just cause, a probable detriment to others' rights on the face of it, is conferred by law. Therefore, instead of being an element constituting a crime, a just cause is a legal and legitimate right of conduct. The stages of just cause have never been distinguished and classified. However, rights conferred by law are corresponding to different legal stages. To be specific, a conduct performed in accordance with law or order is considered positive behavior granted and at the same time required by law. This type of conduct is classified as the highest stage. Then, proper conduct in the course of due business, considered less active but meeting positive social expectations, belongs to the second stage. Legitimate self-defense, purely passive behavior and a right of conduct granted by law when public power cannot be timely provided for protection, falls into the lowest legal stage. The boundaries of just cause and a conduct performed in accordance with law or order should be legal authority explicitly prescribed. Meanwhile, such authority shall follow the criteria of the classification of legal reservation and the performance of the conduct shall not go across the boundaries that are required to stay within. Proper conduct in the course of due business shall comply with laws and orders as well as standard operation procedures. This type of conduct shall meet social expectations. Regarding legitimate elf-defense, the balance between legal interest, means and methods should be taken into consideration. In addition, the maximum tolerance principle shall apply to determine if it's excessive self-defense.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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