




市場界定 ; 正當理由 ; 維持轉售價格 ; 依賴性 ; 不實廣告 ; Fair Trade Act ; Market Definition ; Justification ; Dependency Theory ; Misleading Advertisement




64期(2022 / 10 / 01)


117 - 154






This article reviews several important cases pertaining to the Fair Trade Act in 2021, analyzes the perspective of recent implementation of the Act, and looks forward to future developments. The paper analyzes eight anticompetitive conduct cases with a focus on market definition, anticompetitive effect, and justification. First, there are some attractive, recent developments in the analysis of the justification of hardcore cartel and resale price maintenance cases. Second, with respect to the essentiality for market definition in hardcore cartel cases, the Taiwan Fair Trade Commission (TFTC) adopts the latest 2019 judgments of the Supreme Administrative Court. Finally, there are two cases that provide excellent material for a deeper understanding of "identification of consumers." Nevertheless, this paper selects a case of misleading advertisement with a "specific group of persons" for the discussion on advertisement, to analyze the enforcement tendency of the TFTC on the misleading advertisement. Lastly, as the new chairperson of the TFTC takes office, this paper highlights a few issues worthy of attention in the future by summarizing the changes in the authority in 2021.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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