
Improving Medical Materials Management in Home Nursing Unit by Using Warehouse Management Approaches






莊佳惠(Chia-Hui Chuang);歐蕙華(Huei-Hua Ou);楊于青(Yu-Ching Yang);李逸(I Lee)


倉儲管理 ; 醫療衛材 ; 空間管理 ; warehouse management ; healthcare materials ; space management




26卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


179 - 191




背景:本單位為醫院附設居家護理所,因衛材擺放不正確及撥補量過多造成衛材櫃內凌亂,部分衛材不足需緊急借調,影響工作時效。居家護理師應具備對醫療衛材倉儲管理及成本概念,方能提升病人安全、兼具高品質服務及成本控管乃為此次專案目的。方法:以查核表稽核發現衛材存放設備不良、標示不清,以認知問卷調查發現人員衛材認知不足,在管理層面發現缺乏完整資訊化、衛材設定量與使用量不符。因此本專案制定資材管理辦 法,建立稽核員及教育訓練、重整空間、變更計價程式、簡化批價流程。結果:經專案實施後,居家護理師衛材管理認知由60%提升至96.7%;衛材溢領、異常存留及放置錯誤等三項指標,經專案改善後,數值分別下降至5%、10%、0%;批價時間由277秒縮短為66秒。結論:護理人員對衛材管理、成本概念均有增進,並提升專業管理能力及健康照護品質,宜提供相關單位醫療衛材有效管理之參考。


Background: In this home nursing unit, the storage cabinets were massed up because healthcare materials were either in-correctly positioned or excessive appropriation; however, some deficiencies of healthcare materials required urgent borrowing, resulting in adversely affected work productivity. This project was an attempt to promote the concepts of warehouse manage-ment and inventory costs of medical and healthcare stock for home care nurses, in order to enhance patient safety, to provide high-quality service, and to achieve cost control. Methods: Poor storage devices and unclear labeling for healthcare materials were found using the audit checklist. Evaluation using questionnaire indicated that personnel were lack of knowledge about healthcare materials. The problems of management process included incomplete informatization, unmatched resource usage and material flows. Therefore, this project was designed to develop materials management prac-tices, to establish the system of auditing, education and training, to restructure the space, to change pricing program for simpli-fying the payment approval process. Results: After implementing strategies for these objectives, the knowledge about management of healthcare materials was im-proved from 60% to 96.7%. In addition, abnormal resource us-age (excess stock, partial shortages, and expiration) and mate-rial flows were reduced to 5%, 10%, 0% and the time required for payment approval process was shortened from 277 seconds to 66 seconds. Conclusions: The improvements achieved in the concepts of medical material management, costs, professional managing capabilities, and health care quality might be used as a refer-ence model providing effective management for other relevant medical units.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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