


Reducing the Incidence of Falls in Patients in Sub-acute Care Units




黃素猜(Su-Tsai Huang);邱明珠(Ming-Chu Chiu);李雅文(Ya-Wen Lee)


跌倒 ; 亞急性照護 ; 內科病患 ; falls ; sub-acute care ; medical patients




26卷3期(2015 / 09 / 01)


289 - 300






Falls damage the health and quality of life in the elderly people and increase the medical burden. From January 1 to December 31, 2011, twelve incidents of patient falls (0.09%) were reported by the unit. The objective of the project was to reduce the incidence of patient falls. The main reasons for patient falls were as the following: 1. The evaluation of patient's lower-extremity strength was not included in the routine risk factors of fall assessments. 2. Lack of awareness of fall prevention among patients and the caregivers. (3) No interventions for lower-extremity weakness in the fall prevention program. (4) The ward environment causes patient's fall. Solutions included: (1) amending the risk factors for fall assessment form; (2.1) providing the reminder cards for nursing care; (2.2) installing ultrared alarm bell when a patient leaves his or her bed; (2.3) designing a form for "care provision for special physiological needs"; (3) implementing a strength training program for fall prevention ; and (4) making improvement of drainage holes in the bathroom, replacing higher slip coefficient floors, and updating the mopping standard operating procedure. As a result, the incidence of falls at the unit declined from 0.09% to 0.05%. The contribution of this project to nursing practice lies in fall prevention assessments provided by a multidisciplinary care team and the inclusion of lower extremity muscle strength as a factor in evaluating the risk factors for falls.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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