A 43-year-old female patient having a mastectomy for 4 years was admitted from the 1st to the 3rd of May in 2013. The authors conducted an overall assessment via observation and interview strategies according to the guidelines of perioperative nursing care. They then established the patient’s potential health problems, including (1) anxiety/with the surgical procedures and the unknown operative outcomes related; (2) potential harm from the surgery/anesthesia supine position retained; electrocautery knife related; and (3) hypothermia/general anesthesia and not warmed; intravenous fluids related. The authors established a good nurse-patient relationship holding in an empathy manner during this caring period. Before the operation, they supported and encouraged the patient. They also explained the details of the surgery and the post-operation care plans. These improved the patient’s knowledge of the surgery and alleviated her anxiety. Throughout the operation, via maintaining a safe and comfortable environment, complying with all safety protocols, as well as monitoring constantly the patient, they reduced the possibility of complications the patient might have. By sharing this nursing care experience, the report provides a reference for taking care other patients with a similar situation in the future.
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