


A Qualitative Study of Undergraduate Nursing Students' Transition Perceptions during Service Learning




林淑君(Shu-Chun Lin);曾明晰(Ming-Sea Tseng)


護理科系學生 ; 服務學習 ; 轉變 ; 主題分析法 ; 詮釋現象學 ; undergraduate nursing students ; service learning ; transition ; thematic analysis ; hermeneutic phenomenology




27卷3期(2016 / 09 / 01)


307 - 320




本研究探討學生參與服務學習之後的轉變知覺內涵,以參與服務學習無學分之必修課程的北部某校科技大學護理科系學生為對象,進行6 次焦點團體訪談,共有36 位護理科系學生參與研究,護理科系學生參與服務學習之後的轉變知覺,透過詮釋現象學的觀點,以主題分析法歸納出掙扎、覺醒與向前看等階段。在掙扎階段,護理科系學生出現嘗試不同角色之內心衝突以及超越自我原本角色思維的變化;在覺醒階段,發現護理科系學生可以跳脫現有的生活框架以及察覺提升專業與其他能力的重要;在向前看階段,護理科系學生發現了解他人及體會生命意義、強化好護理師的特質、預見未來職場的專業需求等。本結果可理解學生參與服務學習之轉變知覺,有助於學生個人成長以及與專業方面的連結,並且作為服務學習課程之參考。


This qualitative study aimed to understand nursing students' perceptions of transitions during service learning. College nursing students who were participating in service learning at a university in northern Taiwan were invited to join the focus groups. Thirty-six students agreed to participate in the study, which involved six focus-group interviews. We identified their perceptions of transitions from a hermeneutic phenomenological perspective, and the interview data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The transitions considered were the following stages of service learning: struggle, awakening, and looking to the future. Sub-themes were: the inner conflict of trying different roles, moving beyond self-role thinking, escaping the existing life framework, discovering the importance of enhancing professional and other skills, understanding others and experiencing the meaning of life, strengthening good nurse characteristics, and foreseeing the future professional needs of the workplace. This study aids in understanding nursing students' transition perceptions during service learning. These findings may help students with their personal growth and career development, and serve as a reference for service learning institutions.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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