


Fall-Related Injuries Reduction among Hospitalized Patients by Using Fall Prevention Share Care Program




莊佳雯(Chia-Wen Chuang);曹芳馨(Fang-Hsin Tsao);楊斐茹(Fei-Ru Yang);王郁婷(Yu-Ting Wang);吳雅婷(Ya-Ting Wu);邱燕甘(Yen-Gan Chiou)


預防跌倒 ; 傷害性跌倒 ; 病人安全 ; falls prevention ; injurious falls ; safety of patients




28卷4期(2017 / 12 / 01)


640 - 653






Falls are incidents commonly seen in the patient-safety reporting system. They can cause physical injuries and can lead to an increase of length of stay or even death. They can also bring a huge burden to the healthcare system and a family. This project aims to lower the injurious falls incidence among inpatients. It finds that the injurious fall incidents out of four internal medicine and surgical wards in the hospital in the first quarters of 2015 and 2016 reach staggering numbers of 14 (incidence: 60.9%) and 3 (incidence 50.0%), respectively, among which 3 and 2, respectively, are categorized as severe. This is because the accuracy rate of the nursing staff performing falls prevention is low; the mechanism of interdisciplinary team work is not launched; the inpatients do not realize that they themselves are at high risk for falling or the caregivers do not realize that the cared are at high risk for falling; and the diversity of healthcare education tools for falls prevention is insufficient. After the interventions with such solutions as training sessions held for falls prevention, and establishment of computerized monitoring system and intervention guidance, and joint falling factors analysis for new inpatients, joint development of falls prevention programs, organization of interdisciplinary joint care network, and posts of falls prevention posters and bedside healthcare education flyers, the injurious falls incidence in the third quarter of 2016 drops to 0.0%, showing that this project is clinically effective in lowering injurious falls incidence and can serve as an example for other medical institutions to promote their falls prevention practices and to protect the safety of stay and quality of care for their inpatients.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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