This article described the caring experience in the postoperative recovering room for a breast cancer patient who underwent mastectomy and immediate breast reconstruction surgery. The duration of nursing care was from 16:00 to 17:20 on December 19, 2014. Systematic observation, physical assessment, listening and therapeutic communication care methods were employed to collect information to identity the possible problems of the patient such as impaired tissue integrity, acute pain, discomfort and body image disturbance. At the early stage of awakening from general anesthesia, patient developed restlessness and agitation due to conscious confusion. Therefore, the author started the immediate postoperative care as the following: providing bed protection pads placed around the bed rail, giving protection constraints, providing protective measures to safeguard the environment, avoiding flap displacement and wound necrosis, repeatedly emphasizing to the patient correct people, time, and place, in order to strengthen her orientation. We also used appropriate non-pharmacological pillow support for the surgical wound, arranged semi-lying position, used empathy to listen, encouraged family members to accompany, effectively reduced postoperative pain, provided oral care and acupuncture points massage to alleviate postanesthesia nausea and vomiting, taught teach deep breathing relaxation method to alleviate dizziness, made use of physical ice packing and mouth chewing ice to improve sore throat, used forced-air warming system to improve chillness of the patient thus to enhance her overall comfort. In addition, by leaflets containing text and pictures, we provided proper care information, built the positive cognition of body image and encouragedthe patient to be brave to face the change of her body appearance. Nurses need adequate knowledge to provide accurate and timely information to help patients. We suggested that breast cancer care related departments in the hospital can establish a multidiscipliary holistic care team that can hold a regular meeting quarterly to promote the quality of care to breast cancer patients.
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衛生福利部國民健康署(2016,5 月)‧ 中華民國102 年癌症登記報告‧ 取自https://www.hpa.gov.tw/File/Attach/5191/File_6166.pdf