This case report describes a nursing care experience that provided pulmonary rehabilitation to a 65-year-old patient with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Data were collected via observation, interviews, and physical assessments between 5 May and 21 May 2018. We found that the patient had health problems including impairment of gas exchange, activity intolerance, and hopelessness. Pulmonary rehabilitation was applied to enhance respiratory muscle strength which assisted gas exchange and tolerated physical activity. These improvements also reduced the patient's hopelessness. This case report provides a reference for nurses caring patients with chronic respiratory diseases. Nurses could understand the importance of pulmonary rehabilitation when caring such patients. Early interventions not only improve patients' physical problems but also psychological issues.
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于博芮、胡文郁、胡月娟、周守民、吳韻淑、羅筱芬、李惠玲(2013)。成人內外科護理。臺北市=Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC:華杏=Farseeing。
衛生福利部國民健康署(2015,9月30日)‧「菜瓜布肺」活不過一年全台逾4百人無藥醫‧取自:http://tobacco.hpa.gov.tw/Content.aspx?MenuId=371&CID=28524 [Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and welfare, Taiwan, ROC. (2015, September 30). “Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis'' More than 400 people in Taiwan lived less than one year without medicine. Retrieved from http://tobacco.hpa.gov.tw/Content.aspx?MenuId=371&CID=28524]