The integrity of discharge planning is closely associated with continuity of care, patients' satisfaction to care, and medical cost. Statistics showed that, between October 1 and 31, 2016, up to 77 abnormal events were caused by incomplete discharge planning by the nursing staff, leading to dissatisfaction and complaints of patients and their family members. It took more time to rectify the mistakes and therefore increased the costs. After analysis, the reason was that the emergency department lacked standard discharge procedures as well as thorough nursing education. This motivated the task force to determine to improve. The project aimed to increase the integrity of discharge planning for emergency patients to 91%. The measures included revising of standard discharge planning operation procedures, designing a medicine receipt card, making pocket cards, creating videos for the SOP, providing education information that can be accessed with QR code, establishing mnemonic phrases for improving the integrity of discharge planning, and conducting practical in-service education. After the project, the number of abnormal events dropped from 77 to 5, and the integrity of discharge planning for emergency patients increased from 55.6% to 92.8%. We hope that such results can be the reference to other medical institutions and clinical nursing staff.
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