


A Nursing Experience of Caring for Chronic Kidney Disease




張雅琪(Ya-Chi Chang);吳培寧(Pei-Ning Wu);林玉菁(Yu-Ching Lin);王惠貞(Huei-Jhen Wang)


腹膜透析 ; 糖尿病腎病變 ; peritoneal dialysis ; diabetic nephropathy




31卷2期(2020 / 06 / 01)


241 - 252






This article described the nursing experience of caring a young woman who suffered from diabetic nephropathy due to poor glycemic control in Type 1 diabetic mellitus and needed lifelong dialysis. During the nursing process, we observed that in addition to the physical discomfort, the patient also needed to adjust to the stress resulting from the disease. The patient faced the dilemma of which dialysis method to choose and needed help to strengthen her confidence in dialysis. During the care period from February 24, 2018 to March 19, 2018, the author used Gordon's Eleven Function Health Pattern Evaluation as a guide to collect information through interviews, listening, observation, and physical assessment. The mental disorders identified included body image disturbance, adjustment disorder, and decisional conflict. In the process of nursing, the author provided a health education using notes, forms, and drawing to clarity misconceptions toward dialysis. The cross-function team joined and provided individualized nursing care, giving the patient an optimistic perspective toward treatment. After being discharged, the patient agreed to participate the "New Kidney Friends Back to Home" event. With the intervention from the peritoneal dialysis team, we continued to follow up using telephone interviews to maintain her quality of life. We hope this experience can be shared with nursing colleagues who care similar patients.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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