Operating room is a place focusing on safety and effectiveness. Nurses play an important role in providing direct care during operating process as well as preparing equipment for surgery. Due to great amount and repetitive of orthopedic equipment preparation, nurses suffer from muscular- skeleton discomfort and leading to low satisfaction and high turnover. The team found out that the average of equipment preparation time was 25 minutes per table and the satisfaction rate of transporting equipment for nurses was 64%. Therefore, the purpose of this program was to establish strategies to improve the quality of the service. Five methods were implemented from February to July 2017, including bringing in robotic vehicle to replace human transport, planning a route and fixed point for robotic vehicle, revising the process of transporting equipment, holding a in-house training program, and reviewing the weight of equipment and package. The results showed that the average equipment preparation time for each table decreased from 25 minutes to 7.5 minutes and the satisfaction rate of transporting equipment improved from 64% to 90%, reaching the pre-determined goals. Manual handling equipment transportation by nurses decreased from 4 times to 2 times. We followed this protocol up to March 2019 and the project remained effectiveness. The equipment preparation time further improved to 5 minutes per table. This program can be a reference for improving quality of care in operating room.
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