This report described the nursing experience of care a female patient suffering from catamenial pneumothorax (i.e. pneumothorax occurring in conjunction with menstrual periods) and having experienced three times of thoracoscopic surgery. During the care period from January 13 to 19, 2018, the author utilized Gordon's eleven functional health patterns assessment tool to collect information through observation, interview, and physical assessment. The patient had three main health problems, including pain, ineffective breathing pattern, and anxiety. Her wound was painful due to placement of post-operation thoracic drainage tube that subsequently affected her breathing. In order to relieve her postoperative pain, active nursing care was given. To improve the breathing pattern, the patient received intensive chest physical therapy, education about using Triflow, and training about chest care. We actively cared about and listened to the patient to establish a good nurse-patient relationship. With the cooperation of the medical team and accompany of the family, her anxiety was relieved. By sharing this nursing experience, we intend to provide a reference for clinical caregivers who will care similar patients in the future.
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