Overtime work of nursing staff has a great impact on their own health and patient safety, which in turn affects the quality of care. This inspired motivation to improve the situation. The aim of this project was to create measures such as establishing a standardized Kardex template, reorganizing the handover process, revising the principle of cutting handover work, and conducting information-based medical education and training across clinical departments and teaching departments. Analysis of the current situation revealed several causes for overtime, including repeated typing of contents in nursing records, issuing doctor's orders 30 minutes before getting off work, handling frequent changes of doctor's orders organizing time-consuming Kardex, handing-over inconsistent and lengthy contents. In addition, hospital admissions, health education, environmental introduction, and collecting data for admission notes were complicated and time-consuming and usually started late After re-examining clinical nursing activities through cross-departmental cooperation and implementing the measures, the total working hours of nursing activities reduced from 275.8 hours to 120.3 hours. The effect of shortening working hours was significant. In order to reduce inefficient care activities, it is recommended that the future Standardized Kardex template can be simplified and cross-departmental cooperation should be promoted. Efficient nursing work not only lead to better health among staff but also improve the safety of the patients.
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