


Chinese Version of Perceived Perioperative Competence Scale-Revised (PPCS-R): A Preliminary Study




高梅蘭(Mei-Lan Kao);張曉雲(Hsiao-Yun Chang);劉芊葳(Chien-Wei Liu)


手術全期 ; 護理能力量表 ; 信度及效度 ; Perioperative Nursing ; Nursing Competence Scale ; Reliability ; Validity




32卷4期(2021 / 12 / 01)


16 - 27




背景:護理人員對手術病人的安全與照護品質具最直接的影響力,然中文文獻少有探討護理人員的手術全期護理能力。目的:將英文版的進行「手術全期護理能力量表」譯成中文,並進行中文版的信、效度檢測,期建立適用於台灣手術全期護理能力之評估工具。方法:採「翻譯-回譯」方法,將手術全期護理能力量表進行中英文翻譯,除檢測翻譯效度之外,亦以方便取樣南部多家醫院之183位手術室護理人員為研究對象,藉以檢測中文版資料之再測信度、內在一致性信度、施測者間信度及效標關聯效度。結果:中文版翻譯量表之專家效度達.93;再測信度之整體相關係數為.82,六大構面相關係數介於.76-.81;整體內在一致性信度之Cronbach's α為.98,六項構面Cronbach's α介於.83至.91;施測者間信度之整體相關係數為.94,各項構面之相關係數介於.88-.93;護理工作年資、進階層級及手術全期認證與手術全期護理能力具效標關聯效度。結論:中文版「手術全期護理能力量表」具有良好的信、效度驗證,應可用於評量開刀房護理人員之護理能力,亦可提供醫院在職教育的規劃時,依開刀房護理人員能力、層級的不同,設立符合的課程與評值方法。


Background: Nurses have a great impact on the safety and caring quality of surgical patients; however, there is limited information on perioperative nursing competence in Chinese literature. Purpose: This study is to translate the English version of the "Perceived Perioperative Competence Scale- Revised" into Chinese and test the reliability and validity of this Chinese version with the goal to establish an appropriate perioperative competence assessment tool in Taiwan. Methods: The "back-translation" method was adopted to translate the perioperative nursing competence scale from English into Chinese version. In addition to the validity, a convenient sample of 183 operating room nurses were recruited from hospitals in southern Taiwan to test the reliability of the scale as well as the inter-rater consistency. Results: The expert validity of the scale for Chinese version was .93. For test-retest reliability, the overall correlation coefficient was .82 and six subscales ranged from .76 to .81. For internal consistency, the overall Cronbach's α was .98, and the six subscales ranged from .83 to .91. For the inter-rater consistency, the overall correlation coefficient was 0.94 and the subscales ranged from .88 to ~ .93. The years of experience, advanced level, and certification of perioperative nursing were related to the competence , indicating the criterion validity. Conclusion: The Chinese version of the Perioperative Nursing Competence Scale has a good validity and reliability and can be used to assess the nursing competence in operating rooms. The tool can also be used to evaluate the outcome of an education or a training program.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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