This article describes the nursing experience of caring a female patient who suffered from the right side limb weakness due to Moyamoya Disease. During the nursing care period from January 18th to February 16th, 2018, the author used observation and interviews to collect patient's information and applied techniques so as listening, positive support, and empathy to build relationships and identify her health issues. Gordon's Functional Health Patterns were used for overall assessment, The identified health problems included physical activity dysfunction, personal dysfunction, and caregiver role strain. In the process of nursing, a reliable therapeutic interpersonal relationship with the patient and her caregiver was established. Through the rehabilitation plan jointly developed by the patient and the rehabilitation team, a, the treatment team encouraged the patient to comply with the rehabilitation activities and to do exercise trainings independently to improve her physical activity and self-care ability. Psychologically, by using listening and guiding skills, we led the patient to share her concern and anxiety, then reduced her fear and confusion about the disease, and enhanced her self-confidence through sharing experiences and stories from a successfully recovered patient. In addition, through conversation and active care, we improved the caregivers' caring skills, reducing the patient's concerns about inadequate caregivers' caring skills and role transitions. We also arranged the religious instructors to provide spiritual comfort to the patient. this experience can be shared as a reference for providing cares to similar patients.
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