A 34-year-old woman who had not got pregnant for three years after her marriage. Under the tremendous pressure of carrying on the family line and facing the uncertainty of assisted reproductive treatment, anxiety and negative thinking flooded over her mind. A complete perioperative care is of vital importance to alleviate her anxiety and raise the chance of pregnancy. She was admitted on 7th December 2019 and discharged on 11th December 2019. During this period, based on Gordon's 11 function health patterns, we observed, interviewed, listened to her concerns and evaluated her physical condition. Together with the information collected from her chart and telephone interview, we found that her pressing concerns included preoperative anxiety, existing risk for operative injury and specify knowledge deficit. A mutual trust with the patient had been built up before perioperative care initiated. We then provided surgical informationto enhance patient's understanding of the goal of surgery and side effects and designed an individualized nursing careprogram for her. During the surgery, we accompaniedwith the patient and ensured every precautious measure be executed to avoid any injury in the operating room. In the postoperative period, we provided health information on daily life and inquiry service after discharge. For further outpatient surgery needed, we provided QR Code linkage to obtain pertinent health information in advance for patients in order to lower any anxiety. We would like to share this nursing experience to those who have similar clinical scenario.
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