


Climate Change and Civil Conflict Severity: The Case of Temperature Variability, 1960~2006




張文揚(Wen-Yang Chang)


氣候變遷 ; 內戰嚴重程度 ; 全球暖化 ; 溫度差異 ; climate change ; civil conflict severity ; global warming ; temperature variability




18卷2期(2014 / 12 / 01)


217 - 269






Will climate change lead to militarily severe civil conflicts? In recent years climate change and civil conflict scholars have extended their discussions to whether or not climate change increases the onset of civil war and a general consensus has been reached. However, it is still not clear if climate change (such as temperature and rainfall fluctuations) also leads to bloodier results if civil conflicts have begun. Using 130 civil conflicts during the 1960~2006 period, and temperature deviation as the proxy variable for climate change, this paper examines whether climate change affects the severity of civil conflict. The empirical findings confirm that when the difference between the average temperature of the year in which civil conflicts start and that of the past 50 years increases, civil conflicts become bloodier. Possible reasons are economic and political concerns triggered by resource scarcity because of climate change. This forces both the government and belligerent groups to fight harder in order to maintain or change the current situations, respectively. The final section of this paper offers policy implications and directions for future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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